Fern Acres Homes, Fern Acres Land and Real Estate in Fern Acres
- Buy Find Search or Sell Fern Acres Homes, Fern Acres Land and Fern Acres Real Estate in
- Puna, Hawaii with Larry Roy, Broker at Local Hawaii Real Estate.
- Fern Acres occupies 6.8 square miles in the Puna District on the Big Island of Hawaii, Fern
- Acres Is divided into about 2,000 2 Acre parcels. A standard 2 Acre Parcle is about 100 ft
- wide and 871 ft long. The elevation in Fern Acres ranges from about 1.300 ft to 1,750 ft.
- The mean annual rain fall in Fern Acres is about 179 inces a year. Fern Acres has an active
- Community Association for road maintenance.
- View Larry's Featured Fern Acres Real Estate
- Check out Larry's Fern Acres Home Sales Report and Fern Acres Land Sales Report below.
Honesty · Integrity Commitment
- ©2024 The Search, Maps, Sales, Tax and ALL other information available through FernAcresRealEstate.com are believed to be accurate.
- Do not rely on this data without verification. Local Hawaii Real Estate is located at 260 Kamehameha Ave, Suite 214, Hilo, Hawaii 96720
- Office: 808.935.4633 · Toll Free: 888.935.4622 · Fax: 808.443.0500 · Email: Local@LocalHawaiiRealEstate.com